Just one day to go before the California School Library Association Conference! There are so many wonderful activities going on there. I know I will be wanting to clone myself and attend just about every concurrent session. You won't, of course, want to miss the keynotes by Michelle Luhtala and Shannon McClintock Miller, the Gala with Delaine Eastin, the Legi Session with Bob Wise, or any of the other special events.Visit bit.ly/csla100 for all the details.
Every year it seems that someone posts a "shameless self-promotion" of their session on CALIBK12, CSLA's listserv. Unless I missed something, I haven't seen any yet this year. So, I"m a bit late to the game, but in that spirit, I'm going to share the sessions I'm personally involved in. And, remember, "self-promotion" of what you do for school libraries is all part of advocacy, right?
On Thursday at 4:15pm-5:15pm, Immediate Past President Janice Gilmore-See and I will be hosting a "First Timer's Meeting," where we will share tips to make the most of your first conference. We hope to get to meet many new attendees there. Another great thing about this session, is that you will get to meet other conference-goers.
On Friday night at 9:15pm in the Bayside Room (right after the fabulous Centennial Gala), you don't want to miss our second annual "Unconference." This is an informal opportunity for YOU to determine the topics, share your expertise, and learn from your colleagues. Rumor has it that there will also be wine and chocolate to share. Some of last year's attendees thought the Unconference was a highlight of the conference! Check this link for all the details. And, ask me for an Unconference sticker or button when you see me. You can view the graphic now in the sidebar, and feel free to copy it, tweet it, and share in any other way.
On Saturday at 10:00am in the Poolside Pavilion, Sue Heraper and I will be sharing about "AASL's Best Websites for Teaching and Learning." You'll come away with ideas of how to use some very cool sites in your library and with teachers and students to enhance learning.
On Saturday at 3:00pm in Grande Pavilion EFG1/2D, I'll be one of this year's three Good Ideas! winners sharing about my collaborative project with a classroom teacher. I will share about students blogging as part of their Spanish class curriculum and why blogging has been so valuable for them, and can be for your students. This collaborative concept could be replicated in virtually any discipline and at any age level. You'll also get to hear about Korrie Krohn's and Ellie Goldstein-Erickson's great collaborative projects. You will also hear about Good Ideas! from session host Renée Ousley-Swank, Chair of the Standards and Integration Committee.
Then, on Sunday at 8:00am in Sandpebble E, Amy McMillan, one of my cohort members from the 2014 Google Teacher Academy in Mountain View, and I will be presenting "Going for Moonshot Thinking:
The Latest from Google by
Two Googly Teacher." You will get to hear some of our best take aways from our Google Teacher Academy experience, and learn more about why you should apply for a future academy.
Finally, at 9:00am in Harbor B, Marie Slim and I will be sharing how to "Make Twitter Your Number One
Tool for Building Your Personal
Learning Network." We're both passionate about the value of Twitter for personal learning, networking, and more, and we want to convince you to get on board!
I hope to see you at the conference and at some of these sessions. :-)
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