As current CSLA President Elect, my biggest responsibility is overseeing our 2012 Annual Conference, slated for San Jose November 16-19. I actually first started working on it about a year ago, when I sent out a survey to our members about their preferences for locations. It's now four months away, and we just passed a big milestone when we opening registration early this month. Please visit our conference wiki to get all the information about the schedule and how to register and book your room at the Marriott.
Also, please check out this short movie to learn about some of the highlights. I just learned this week about Powtoon this week. It has a lot of cool, fun features that makes creating animation easy, and I wanted to try it out. One of my favorite features is the hand that can be used to sweep items on and off the screen. This embed is the YouTube version. Powtoon makes exporting to YouTube very easy. I can definitely see using this new tool for virtual lessons or library information films on my library website and blog.